Ital Vera Hot Lunch Resumes in January
Ital Vera hot lunch forms have gone home. Pizza hot lunch will return the week of January 20th and end March 30th. Please return orders no later than January 10th, 2020.
Ital Vera hot lunch forms have gone home. Pizza hot lunch will return the week of January 20th and end March 30th. Please return orders no later than January 10th, 2020.
Costa Verde hot lunch will run from January 22 to March 25 inclusive. Forms are going home before the Christmas break. Please return your orders no later than January 8th. Click below for a pdf version.
The final newsletter of 2019 is here and ready for your reading pleasure! Check out of the newsletters section for the latest edition!
On November 26th, SGG welcomed a number of our family of schools to hear a pathways presentation given by our PCT, Ms. Marisa Meffe and her colleague, Mr. Rob Cannone. Please see attached the PPT used that evening to guide the presentation for your reference. As always, if you have any questions about secondary pathways or course selections, please speak with your child’s teacher or ... Continue reading "Pathways Presentation PPT"
St. Gregory the Great is once again supporting the Shoebox Fundraiser at our school! This fundraiser seeks to support women in shelters and even some who are homeless, having fallen on troubled times and less fortunate than we. Please see the attached letter with details. Please bring in your items by Thursday, December 5th, 2019!
Shoe Box Fundraiser Letter (2) ... Continue reading "Shoebox Fundraiser at SGG"
SGG is partnering with our Parish, St. Clare of Assisi, to support those in our local and greater community who are in need. Many in our community are without a warm pair of pyjamas – both children and adults alike. Please see the attached letter with the details of the pyjama drive! Donation bins are set up in our foyer! Thank you for giving so ... Continue reading "Our Pyjama Drive is on!"