Category: General

New to Google Chrome and Google Classroom?


Many of our classroom teachers have recently created a Google Classroom for your children’s classes.  If you haven’t accessed, please do so.  If you don’t know how to access, we have attached a simple ‘how to’ guide.  NB.  You will need to have your child’s username and password handy!

Click below

2020 Parents’ Guide to Google Classroom ... Continue reading "New to Google Chrome and Google Classroom?"

March Newsletter

The March SGG Newsletter has been posted in our Newsletter section. Please have a read for all the month’s information, details and celebrations.


Carnaval / Carnevale at SGG

SGG will celebrate Carnaval / Carnevale from February 18th to the 21st! A special thanks to our French and Italian teachers for preparing what will be a fantastic week for all our students and staff! Lotto, Candy Guessing, Pyjama Day and a Cafe are among some of the great spirit building events leading up to the beginning of our Lenten journey. For more ... Continue reading "Carnaval / Carnevale at SGG"

100th Day of School Celebrations!

Calling all centenarians. 

On February 12th, SGG’s FDK and primary classes will celebrate 100 days of school in (seemingly) 100 different ways!

We’re encouraging all our FDK to Grade 3 students to dress like a one-hundred-year-old person and get ready to do many fun activities in the primary classes. Please see the attached letter for more details! Thank you to our ... Continue reading "100th Day of School Celebrations!"

Winter Walk Day & National Sweater Day

On February 5th, join us for #WinterWalkDay … everyone is doing it (literally, everyone in Canada!). Please see the February newsletter for more details.

On February 6th, wear an extra sweater to school for National Sweater Day! We’re turning down the thermostat for one day to help raise awareness about conservation, climate change and our carbon footprint!

Let’s all do our ... Continue reading "Winter Walk Day & National Sweater Day"