Category: General

Our Pyjama Drive is on!

SGG is partnering with our Parish, St. Clare of Assisi, to support those in our local and greater community who are in need. Many in our community are without a warm pair of pyjamas – both children and adults alike. Please see the attached letter with the details of the pyjama drive! Donation bins are set up in our foyer! Thank you for giving so ... Continue reading "Our Pyjama Drive is on!"

SGG Pathways Night

On ​Tuesday, November 26th, 2019 ​at 7 pm​, Ms. Marisa Meffe, our schools’ Pathways and Careers Teacher, will present to the parent community. She will review and provide tips to our Grade 7 and 8 parents for a successful transition. Course types, course selection and future pathway planning for students will also be reviewed!

We kindly ask all families planning to attend this ... Continue reading "SGG Pathways Night"

Bag2School: November 7

Our Luke 4:18 committee in collaboration with our student government is embarking on a new social justice initiative: Bag2School! Each year, tons and tons of textiles are inappropriately disposed of in landfills where they take many years to decompose. Bag2School aims to more appropriately reuse or recycle these materials to reduce environmental waste!

We’ve designated a space in our foyer for bags of ... Continue reading "Bag2School: November 7"