Category: General
Hot lunches are starting up again!
Hot lunches for the following providers will recommence at the end of January. Pizza orders are due in the office by Monday, January 14 while Costa Verde orders are due by Thursday, January 17th. Click on the following for pdf copies. Please note the start and end dates for the orders.
costa ... Continue reading "Hot lunches are starting up again!"
Christmas Greetings from our Trustee
Thank-you St. Gregory the Great!
Dear St. Gregory CES Community:
Advent is a time of waiting, a time of hope, a time full of possibility, which will be embodied – incarnated – in Jesus. It is a reminder that God loves us and has promised to be with us. In Jesus Christ, he fulfills his promise.
Advent is a reflective time, inviting us to reassess our ... Continue reading "Thank-you St. Gregory the Great!"