The 2016 Yearbook is IN!
Students should be coming home this week with a 2015-2016 yearbook if you pre-ordered one back in the spring. Students who have left the school can pick up and sign off their copy, after school in the the main office.
Students should be coming home this week with a 2015-2016 yearbook if you pre-ordered one back in the spring. Students who have left the school can pick up and sign off their copy, after school in the the main office.
During the first PA Day of the 2016-2017 school year, teachers worked collaboratively to identify the urgent students’ learning needs within the school community. It was an opportunity to pool together the experience and expertise of individual members and use them to inform school level goal setting.
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Safety Awareness Week – September 26th to 30th. Schools will practice various drills and procedures for emergency preparedness and safety awareness. YCDSB is dedicated to creating a safe learning environment for all students and staff as the safety of students and staff are a top priority
On Wednesday, September 21, our grade 6 students had the pleasure to enjoy the musical Matilda at the Ed Mirvish Theatre. Judging from the laughing, clapping and cheering, we think they had a great time. Thank you to our music teacher, Ms. Vettivelu, for organizing this event.
Gerry Mitchell inspired us with his musical presentation on RESPECT and having the courage to stand-up for what is right! Students understood the message as they sang along and participated in a variety of fun activities and skits.
Dear Parents, we are well on our way to another fantastic year at St. Gregory the Great! I wanted to keep you informed as to our new Lice Policy which asks that all parents ensure that their children receive treatment before return to school. For further information, please see the attached information brochure and letter as well as the board website.
Thank-you for ... Continue reading "LICE Information Package and Letter for Parents"