
News Stories

Paul Davis Presentation on Oct. 25th

St. Agnes of Assisi CES has invited the SGG parent community to attend a Social Networking and Internet Safety presentation at their school, taking place at 7 pm on October 25th. Paul Davis will be the presenter. Mr. Davis has presented extensively on the topic and his advice and tips have been a huge support to parents and educators alike. For more details, please see ... Continue reading "Paul Davis Presentation on Oct. 25th"

Spook-A-Thon Fundraiser Forms

SGG is launching our Fall fundraiser: the spectacular Spook-A-Thon Dance!! Letters detailing our fundraiser and pledge forms are coming home with students on Thursday, October 3rd! The list of prizes keeps growing and growing! Our goal is to raise funds to purchase additional technology for the school and to begin updating out library into a true 21st century learning space! Thank you for your generosity! ... Continue reading "Spook-A-Thon Fundraiser Forms"

Vaughan Food Bank

Our Thanksgiving donation bins from the Vaughan Food Bank are in our front foyer and are filling up! Please continue to bring in donations of non-perishable goods (pasta, rice, canned meats, cereals, sauces, and treats for kids) for our families in need! Your generosity is inspiring!

Fr. Bressani Open House

Please make note that Fr. Bressani’s Parent Grade 8 Information Night and Open House has been changed to the following date: Thursday November 7th , 2019 @ 7:00pm

We hope to see you there!